It doesn’t get hot in Seattle. I truly love this weather phenomenon, being the hot-blooded, easily over heated, lazy with sun screen, sweaty beast that I am. There are a lot of folks in this city who kvetch and moan about the summers here because they want more sun and more heat. Honestly- 90% of this country experiences hot and sunny summers. Why do they even bother living here?
ANYWAY, this past Friday afternoon it was hot. Like 85 degrees and sunny hot. Yuck. I was sweaty and yucky and grumpy from just having ridden the stinky bus home yet I had to cook something nourishing for myself and my mate. But what could possibly be appetizing in this type of oppressive weather? Of course….MEXICAN FOOD! I found the best tostada recipe. (Ok…all of the recipes I’ve posted about so far are from food and wine. So?? It’s a great resource!) This is a real yin yang type of recipe- the sweet mushy pineapple avocado bean mash vs. the chewy smoky spicy shrimp all stacked on a crunchy tostada shell- honestly, though, I think that store bought tostada shells are ga-ross and I prefer this recipe with a baked flour tortilla and some chili powder sprinkled on top. Totally just a personal preference, though.
The coolest part about this recipe is that you get to set it on fire. The first time I set fire to a hot pan full of cooking food I was terrified. It lights up very quickly with a WHOOSH and then it burns a really tall flame for a couple of seconds before it dies down. It’s very fun. You should try it some time.
Anyway- if you don’t eat shrimp you could probably substitute something else in there but I don’t know what. Seitan? Ha ha- I dare you to try that.
Hey man! I don't need it to be 85 but it damn well better get to 70 for at least 2 months out of the year or I feel cheated.
Have you ever been to Veggie Veggie on the Ave? I don't recommend it as such (plenty of veggie options at Thai Tom) but they do make little shrimp out of gluten and they even paint pink stripes on them. Perhaps something like this is in order.
Ha ha- I totally wasn't referring to you- more like the folks out here who actually want to go to the beach to sunbathe and get tan.
It was 90 the other day in Hartford CT, opressive and humid. It seems like the only thing I could make myself eat was chicken salad made with tarragon, walnuts and grapes with a side of watermelon and huge big gulps of ice water.
Frank had his usual gourmet ellios sheet pizza and beer.
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