Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Frank talk about tuna.

This is an entry I wrote last year but never released, and now I never even ever think about tuna, so I suppose that I'll never finish it.  I do still like the preserved whole tuna, though.  Hopefully you'll enjoy the videos.

This is a movie of Italians catching tuna. It'll hold your attention, ~5 min. It has some fun facts. Did you know that tuna never stop growing? Ever.

Even if you aren't interested in 5 minutes of fisherman, this is a public service announcement.  I believe that this is a TV commercial from NOAA, its only 60 s long, and pretty funny. (Maybe some of you have seen this before, but I never watch TV, so its new to me).

Last night we ate tuna!  I do not feel guilty about that.  But I do feel guilty about my inability to feel guilty about it.  (Same story with fossil fuels, really.)  I'm sure you are familiar with fresh tuna and canned tuna.   I only recently learned of an additional way to preserve tuna, packed in olive oil.  Its all the rage in Spain.

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